For NaNoWriMo 2018, I planned and researched my way through a romantic suspense novel. The reason behind it might seem silly, but I was writing it because I was feeling defeated after receiving another REJECTION from a publisher. And I asked them "why the rejection?" the person responding said they were not accepting contemporary submissions at that time but if I had a romantic suspense, they "might" be interested.
Needless to say, I never submitted to them again, knowing what I know now: My version of a romance "suspense" is not what they would have wanted. Additionally, I tried to write this book under a new pen-name which will, sadly, never see the limelight. That's why the author name is cut off the cover.
This book has received a new title in the last five years and I do have plans to go back in to write the ending. Until then, the book has been removed from all platforms.